(This post was written by my friend Benjamin Rosendahl. This first appeared in a German Internet Newspaper)
Spicy Moroccan Fish is also known as "Chreime" (and tastes a LOT better then it's name!)
This is one of my favorite dishes: A feast for the senses that can be prepared quickly and without muych effort. And it's healthy too!
The ingredients:
-300g Fish
-Olive or Canola Oil
-2 to 3 Garlic cloves
-a few Jalapenos, according to spice tolerance
-2 cups tomato paste
-Lemon (important!)
-1 cup steaming hot water
-Challah bread (or, alternatively, rolls)
First, the onions, garlic cloves and jalapenos are cut into small cubes (professionals do it like the Goodfellas). The lemon is cut into two halves. Then the onions are seuteed in a deep pan or a pot until golden. Afterward, the garlic cloves and jalapenos are added. After a few minutes, the tomato paste and the glass of steaming hot water is added.
Now we add the fish. Here it is important to make sure not to overcook it:15 minutes is the absolute MAXIMUM! (It is always possible to reheat, but it is impossible to reverse overcooking). The best idea is to cook it for 5 minutes on the hot flame and then to squeeze out the lemon. The lemon adds very much to the taste. (The other half can also be squeezed on the fish or alternatively, used to wash the hands after the meal). Now, the flame should be turned to "low" and possibly covered. 10 minutes later the "Chreime" is ready...
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